If you are struggling, help is here.


Infertility is often a painful, unexpected circumstance. It can cause significant strain in relationships between partners.  Fertility counselling is a form of psychotherapy designed to support individuals or couples who are faces challenges with conceiving a child, considering using a sperm or egg donor, or thinking about adoption or surrogacy.


Postpartum depression and anxiety, PPD, PPA


The experience of being a parent is often not what people expect. Approximately 10-20% of moms will experience postpartum depression (PPD) and/or postpartum anxiety (PPA). It’s an isolating and scary experience that can impact first time moms, adoptive moms, dads and partners, as well as parents who have experienced miscarriage and infant loss. The focus of treatment is on developing coping strategies for these feelings, enhancing support systems, and incorporating self-care practices into your routines.


Couples choose to see a therapist for many reasons. The catalyst could be a pressing, urgent issue that you're not currently equipped to handle, or it could be a subtly simmering issue that you want to tackle before one of you snaps. Still other couples choose to go to a therapist simply to build relationship skills or grow closer as a couple. The exact focus of your treatment will depend on the particulars of your relationship.



Persistent sadness, hopelessness, and a lack of interest in life are just some signs of depression. Mild versions of these feelings are normal parts of day-to-day life but when these feelings become especially frequent, intense, or long-lasting, they can interfere with daily life and prevent us from achieving our goals.



Feeling nervous or apprehensive is normal – but when worrying becomes the go-to response to everyday situations, it becomes debilitating. Difficulty concentrating, ruminating, and avoid social situations are some ways it can show up. Anxiety that runs deep and feels unshakable, can interfere with daily functioning and relationships.



Stress and overwhelm comes in all shapes and sizes and can stem from just about any aspect of life from major events (Covid) to anticipated life transitions to the countless little tasks that make up daily life. Different things feel stressful to different people, but when stress becomes too frequent or intense, it can have negative consequences for your physical and mental health.